Pashmina Care

September 20th, 2020Vibha Mitra shawlswoollens

Pashmina Care


  • WASHING: Wash it by hand in luke-warm water. Soak it in soapy water for a little while, and then swish it around while gently rubbing soiled areas. Then rinse it through two or three times until there’s no more soap left. As you rinse and then finish washing, you never want to wring our Pashmina. The fabric is sensitive to pressure, and rough handling, especially while wet will cause deformities in the Cashmere weave.
  • DRYING: To dry, spread it out on a drying rack, but make sure it’s evenly spread across the rack, rather than simply hung, because hanging while wet stretches the fabric.; Another option if you don’t have a rack is just to get a dry towel and let dry on the towel.
  • IRONING: Now, your Pashmina is clean! But you’ll probably notice a great deal of unsightly wrinkles populating your Pashminas surface. This is perfectly normal. Just place your precious Pashmina between two towels on medium heat and iron those wrinkles away!
  • STORAGE: You have a delightfully clean Pashmina again! For safe keeping, make sure you store your Pashmina in a way that doesn’t bunch it up. Fold it neatly and either place it on a hanger or keep it on a shelf.


  • Don’t put your Pashmina in the washing machine. This is a cardinal rule of caring for your Pashmina.
  • Don’t Rub the shawl vigorously. When you are hand washing your shawl, just gently swish the shawl around. The fibre is somewhat delicate, and needs as little friction as possible.
  • Pull the fibres when they snag; gently stretch the affected area so the thread will fall backin place.
  • Wash it in warm not hot water. This could cause shrinking. Only use lukewarm (more on the cool end) water.
  • Dont iron it directly or with a muslin cloth on top.
  • Dont wrap it up or fold it carelessly when you put it away. This could cause unsightly wrinkles. Preferably hang your Pashmina somewhere with as little folds as possible. Store it away from direct sunlight.

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