Art of Window Shopping

March 10th, 2022admin

My earliest memories of Bazaars are clinging to my mother’s saree and noticing with awe all the goodies around me. I guess my choices were shaped by her choices and we share a connect in apparels and lifestyle. I grew up discerning fabric quality, colours and designs. It was never the first shop or product. We sifted through and located something that suited our preferences and also budgets. A thrifty spender was my ma and so am I.
Thus grew my love for window shopping. Soaking in glitz and unaffordable luxury, to understand where the world was going in terms of branding and product design. The Malls are a conundrum. They have almost brought the world to our doorstep yet have taken away our choices by stocking their choices. Having grown up in New Market, perhaps the most ideal mall in the world where we are spoilt for choice, I find myself ogling at the stuff displayed seductively in the windows, trying to find a connect.
Living next to a Super Mall and working right next to Calcutta’s first mall, I morphed into a mall expert. Getting bored, go to mall. Feeling down, go to mall. Need a gift, go to mall. Friend has come, chill out at mall. In my wanderings I willy nilly noticed the stuff on display and once in a while asked for the price. The new age salespersons with selling targets are more than eager to comply. I began enjoying window shopping immensely. Ideal with a friend, then you get to see stuff, another pays and you are absolved of a guilt conscience of needlessly inspecting wares I have no intentions of buying. It started meticulously being stored in compartments to be retrieved as per need.
The Art of Window Shopping in a world where outward spit and polish is more important than the basics of yore. The shop windows entice and invite and beguile with offers. Having succumbed to many three for the price of one I have now become worldly wise. Window Shopping in the same place gets you a reputation.Shoppers Stop early in the morning has all the girls in the makeup section happily using all the testers and transforming their personalities. I strolled in, peered at the exotic silver jewellery, noticing a new guy at the counter, asked to try it on. An old one shouted out that he shouldn’t as I probably won’t take anything.
So while window shopping tread with caution with old timers. Never overdo look and walk out without doing “Boni” the early morning auspicious sale. It is good to be informed so that you can make an educated choice for purchase, so definitely try. The points I keep in mind always is never go for anything too modern, a mannequin often shows better and then merchandise lies unused in the cupboard. One should never go for bargains as they try to sell outdated stuff, unless they honestly mention the same. One should always look at many similar things and be aware of market trends and pricing. NEVER leave anything that appeals greatly especially on a second look and it is fairly priced. Even if one doesn’t need it now, if one connects one takes it. I am sure you will never regret it later.
The art of window shopping is a balm for tired eyes and soul, a guaranteed serotonin rush. Never feel guilty especially if you are not buying or cant afford. It doesn’t matter. I look at the Guccis with as much interest as a local hawker. I am sorted with my Occam’s Razor Rule.
Occam’s razor the problem-solving principle that states that “Entities should not be multiplied without necessity. When presented with competing hypotheses that make the same predictions, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. “
By and Large fewest assumptions implies no ifs and buts for mind or heart. A personal connection. You will never regret it.

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