Relief for Artisans Lakshmikantpur in West Bengal COVID 2

August 6th, 2021admin artisanreliefcovidcreativedignityfoodforsurvivalwestbengaloutreach

Lakshmikantpur near Diamond Harbour. The Wheel goes round – for the Potters here Lakshmikantpur near Diamond Harbour is a village of pristine beauty. Green and close to nature. Verdant trees, water bodies, largely untouched with modern gizmos. Yet the mud houses speak of poverty. The people, for generations have been primarily potters. Utensils for occasions, containers for sweets, the ubiquitous “chai bhaanr”. Without any scientific knowhow they are subconsciously propagating a greener economy. Arun, a potter aligned with the Crafts Council of West Bengal came to the city and was lucky to have found patronage. The others barely make two ends meet. The wares they make are sold to buy mainly food for the family. With the COVID Lockdown and no sales they were languishing. Representing Creative Dignity, a forum to provide a dignified existence for artisans, I approached Arun and he drew up a list of the really impoverished with larger families and mouths to feed. We delivered the food and medical kits and with the Cyclone Yaas looming, these people are planning evacuation of the children and elderly to a secure facility. The food will be certainly needed now. Diamond Harbour nearer the sea is ravaged every year by storms. The residents are seasoned survivors but can it be termed as surviving? A living nightmare, every year. Adding COVID, sickness, frailty to the unending list. They asked for food. Being given rice by the Government, they needed oil, pulses, sugar or even biscuits for the youngsters. My heart cringes when I think of my kids devouring packets of Bourbon biscuits. It’s an unfair world. These artisans have little and take on charity grudgingly. Work and self respect is what they repeatedly ask for. Arun , the identified champion was hopeful of teaching his compatriots COVID protocols. He requisitioned masks, sanitisers, thermometers and Oximeters. With the masses herded to safety will they be able to socially distance or even sanitise? Let the storm pass and time will tell. There is hope always. Let us join hands to build confidence among craftspersons and call for a deserving dignity.

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